Review of Undying

Undying (2001 Video Game)
clive barker covers all his bases with terror
5 February 2003
I am a horror movie freak. i love them all and I have sorta become numb to being scared when watching them(except arachnophobia, that scared the bejezus out of me because i really am terrified of spiders. I'm 23 and act like a 12 year old girl when i see one). anyways although I am not big on video games, i do love the movies of Clive Barker(he gives a great hybrid of fantasy and horror). So when I heard Barker did a video game i made an exception and bought it for my PC. The storyline is spectacularly in depth and detailed as well as the game being just frightening in general. Let me tell you; the fact that it is interactive terror really put the spook on me. The first time I played it; my heart was racing, i was getting jittery, and just getting creeped out in general. It was refreshing and fun to finally find something that could have that effect on me again. I give it two thumbs and a severed leg up. I hope that Barker will decide to make another game soon. If more games like this one exist, I might just consider buying a playstation 2 or and Xbox or one of those other game systems.
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