Daredevil (2003)
About as faithful an adaptation as you're gonna get...
28 July 2003
In the wake of the glut of comic book movies, Daredevil is up there with the best of them. The problem is, for most he is either a complete unknown or a poor-man's Spiderman. Never fear, the movie gives you a crash course in Daredevil, setting up the character perfectly and playing out an actual story form the comics, involving the four characters that made Daredevil what it is - DD himself, arch-rival Kingpin, super-efficient assassin Bullseye and tragic sexpot Elektra.

There has been a lot made of the casting being off in this film, which i feel is unfair. In recent years, Ben affleck has done sterling work in this, Sum of All Fears and especially Changing Lanes. He IS DD, he looks exactly like Frank Miller's version in the comics and has a lot of great moments as both Matt Murdock and the man without fear. Jennifer Garner as Elektra is sexy, tough and a perfect foil to Ben's DD, the greatest departure being her outfit. Many have said that Micheal Clarke Duncan as Kingpin is ludicrous, as Kingpin was white - rubbish! I can think of noone better to fill out the Kingpin's considerable frame, white or black. When an actor's physicality, presence and voice so suit the character, who cares what colour he is?! The only false step really is Bullseye as played by Colin Farrell, who resembles the comic character only in style, but he's so damn charming and deadly at the same time that you forgive the decision straight off.

The writing, acting and style of the film are exactly as Daredevil should be done - DD's radar sense in manifest beautifully, particularly in the early scenes when he is a scared child and in his scenes with Elektra (the sound of rain is a particular highlight). Of the action scenes there is really only one duff sequence, the confusing and slightly sluggish redneck bar fight. The others are not only exciting and efficiently shot, but are almost straight out of the comic. DD's battles with Bullseye can be disorientating but they ARE the comic.

This is a film made by a rabid DD fan and starring a DD fan (Affleck) which should delight DD fans and attract newcomers to a little-known alladin's cave of delights. Watch out for DD popping pills and sleeping in an isolation tank to cope with the pain of being an ordinary guy with a gift he uses for good - yet is labelled a bad guy. There's even a genuinely touching romance, a touch of tragedy and a nice sentiment which isn't hammered home wihtout subtlety.

An underappreciated, if not epic, joy for comic fans and those who don't follow the pack. And the (region 2, at least) DVD has a brilliant, in-depth look at the comics, with a great section by comics legend Frank Miller. Check it out, you won't regret it. Its not as all-round brilliant as X2, but its more faithful and satisfying than the slightly bloated Hulk (which i still have a lot of love for).

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