The Medallion (2003)
Waste of money.
4 October 2003
Lately every Jackie Chan movie i've seen has been a disappointment, I really didn't expect much from this movie and i was right.

Eddie is a Hong Kong cop helping Interpol grab a criminal called Snakehead, who seems to be after an ancient medallion and its a keeper, a young boy, who has been chosen to give life, power and immortality to whomever he heals with it. After the boy is kidnapped during a failed attempt of capturing Snakehead, Eddie is sent to Dublin, Ireland to continue his investigation with Watson, a nerdy Interpol officer, who can't seem to get anything right and Laura, another Interpol officer, who has a history with Eddie. When Eddie dies whilst saving the boy, the boy gives life back to Eddie, which leads him to discover new things about himself.

The movie is senseless, the comedy sidekick (Lee Evans) Watson is a total bore and the only thing good about this movie were the few stunts and scenes by Jackie himself, I'm still wondering how he managed to fit through that gate, but I guess that's just Jackie. I was going to give a 1/10 but because of that gate scene Im rating it a 2/10 in hopes that Jackie makes some decent movies in the future.
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