Review of Armadillo

Armadillo (2001)
Intriguing, beautiful, funny, romantic, and touching
23 November 2001
Beautifully acted, written, and filmed Thanks to a friend in Ireland, who converted the video for me (I'm in the US, and can't use PAL format) I was able to see this magnificient BBC/A&E production. It is reportedly to show on A&E in the spring of 2002...but, I just couldn't wait that long.

I'm a *major* Frain fan, so I was looking forward to this with great anticipation. And, thankfully, my anticipations were not disturbed ;) Mr Frain fits the part of Lorimer Black perfectly. No one else could have played the part, imo. I read a description of Lorimer in the novel...and it is an exact physical image of Frain. It's as if it were written with him in mind.

Lorimer/Milo, Mr. Hogg, Flavia, the Blocj clan, Rintoul, Sir Simon, Torquil, and a load of other colorful characters are brought to vivid life in this very enjoyable production. Not only is James Frain superb...but Ms. McCormack, Mr. Rea, and Mr. Bonneville are perfection in their roles.

All the cast was great...the writing excellent, and the filming made me want to move to London. It looks beautiful! Very stylishly shot.

My fave scenes are when Lorimer goes to visit his family and gives some new shoes to his little niece, and the scene where he's telling her about their family history...and when he becomes mesmerized by Flavia's image in a TV ad, all the scenes of him visiting his Dad (so sad and tender) , all scenes with Frain and Rea (they're great together), the first kiss between Flavia and Lorimer (very sexy in it's eagerness at the excitement and promise of new love. You don't need hot and steamy sex scenes to have a sexy film. Flavia and Lorimer share just two kisses, but they're so sensual that it's all you need. More would have ruined the effect.) The sleep clinic scenes are funny, and heart breaking. I love the bull dog bit--too funny...very cute. And, the helmut incident is hilarious! Oh, heck, I just adore the whole enchilada.

"Armadillo" is very unique, intriguing, funny, and a bit heart wrenching at moments. It's a joy to watch...but, you'll have to pay attention, as the insurance fraud part of the plot is quite complex.

Oh, I should add that the sound track is simply beautiful.
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