Adorable, cute and down right irresistible!
18 May 2003
I loved this movie!! Everything about it was great! The sets, the costumes and of course the acting.You know, even though I love Renée Zellweger, Nicole Kidman has always been my favourite.however after seeing this movie, Renée just might take the top spot.She and Ewan are perfect together. I read somewhere, that Renée personally picked Ewan to play Catcher Block, and all I have to say, is good choice! I went to see this with a friend, and at the end of Renée's 5 minute monologue, we both looked just like Ewan did when she finished.I have to admit that it is a bit over the top, but hey! Moulin Rouge and Chicago were a little too, and they're my favourite movies! I recommend to anyone who loves romantic comedies to go and see this you'll have a blast!
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