The O'Keefes (2003)
More mind-numbing stupidity from the network that brought us Reba!
30 May 2003
Sorry for any of those who actually like this drivel, but it is inexcusably awful. See smart parents who homeschool pretentious children, I think I heard without TV, thereby ensuring that they mistake the Addams Family with the Adams family (John Adams-2nd President of the United States, John Quincy Adams-son of John Adams, 6th President of the United States, the first father-son Presidents long before H.W. and W.)- Insert hysterical laughter here. See these pretentious kids want to go to public school for God-knows-why, and at this school, see how pretentious kids are *surprise* much different and smarter than the other kids. Doesn't that sound hilarious?!?!? Believe me, it isn't. The children are extremely annoying (especially the girl) and both they and their parents have these constant spacey smiles that apparently say either they are intellectually superior to everyone else, they, ahem, passed gas, or that the plants that this family grows in the basement are very strong this year (for those who can't read between the lines-they're all high). What is even more annoying is that they seem to think everyone else in their warped world is the same as them, as in knows or should know all the same things. No one is that naive! Truthfully, I did not laugh once during this show- I never even smiled. The first commercial during the break was for Dr. Pepper and contained Cyndi Lauper, the Girl's-Just-Wanna-Have-Fun-Where-Are-They-Now-I-used-to-be-famous-in-the-80 's-but-now-sing-for-soda-pop singer. Granted, the commercials don't have anything to do with the show, but I screamed and shut my TV off anyways. I apprehensively turned it back on because I didn't have anything else to do. This show made me angry, I felt very much like Alex from A Clockwork Orange must have felt after his treatment, like throwing up whenever I see this show. Unlike Alex, I also have the urge to graffiti "This sucks" all over various surfaces and to murder people (which he didn't want to do after the treatment cause he'd throw up if he did). Family comedies are my trigger. As I grow older, I also am growing far too cynical for these shows (Reba, 8 Simple (Stupid) Rules..., Greetings From Tuscon, etc., etc.) and for most comedy in general. Of course, I'm probably not their ideal demographic anyways, and I won't guess at that demographic as I may offend them, but in my opinion they rhyme with *blain-blead* and *blobotomized*. Anyhow, just to recap, this show sucks! They say that America is getting stupider as time progresses. It's nice to know we have a TV show to act as our mascot!
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