Review of Hidalgo

Hidalgo (2004)
Parallels with contempory Middle Eastern Events
18 September 2004
What are the hidden messages in this film? At first it gives an impression of just being another "Raiders of the Lost Ark" clone but perhaps there is a deeper message within. The Horse Hidalgo is a mustang and as such represents modern America: a cocktail of different races.The rider is the new America, brash, swaggering with a past.The good Arab is represented by Omar Sharif: the bad Arab his nephew represents Saddam Hussein/Osman Bin Laden. Sharif has a fascination with all things Western and embraces elements of western culture. His daughter has a deep desire to be emancipated and embrace western ideals but the old Arab culture is holding her back. In the background we have the duplicititous Englishwoman who represents the "Old Europe" who is trying to frustrate Americas ambitions ( the Horse race).In the end good prevails over evil.New America has come out on tops.Some hearts and minds have been won over. The gift of a colt revolver to Omar Sharif is symbolic of American Military Aid? Anyway apart from that it was a very enjoyable film.
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