Just another (remake) caper movie
7 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Contains Spoiler!! A couple of weeks ago I got a pass to see a screening of this movie.

The title sounded familiar, so I checked the imdb and found that it was a remake of a movie Michael Caine had done in 1969. I went down to my favorite mom-and-pop video store to check it out.

What I found was a so-so caper movie about a robbery of a vanload of gold on the streets of Turin (hence The Italian Job). Caine was the leader who was using the plan of one man (killed in the opening minutes of the movie) and the money and material provided by a criminal boss (Noel Coward) who doesn't let being in prison interfere with his activities.

The central set-piece was the robbery, followed by a crazy chase scene through the streets, walkways and stairs (!) of Turin. The plan called for using the city's computerized traffic control system to tie up traffic (and the police) while they use the only unjammed corridor to escape with the loot.

This is the central part of the new movie as well. The twist is that they steal the gold and then have it stolen from them. It is only in the stealing it back that they return to the original.

This time Mark Wahlberg plays Charlie Croker, the Michael Caine part and the computer expert (a hacker, of course) is played by Seth Green (Benny Hill in the original). Seth plays a computer whiz who claims to have created the Napster software, but it was stolen from him while he was dozing (while napping, get it!).

I can imagine what you're saying: "Benny Hill! The original version must've been a real funny one". Sorry. Benny and Seth both are left with little to do. Seth has a couple of good scenes but that's it.

What you're left with is unsatisfying. It's not a split-second gosh-wow caper movie like the remake of "Ocean's Eleven" nor is it a comedy of errors like the classic "The Hot Rock" (AKA "The Four Masterminds"). The best part, as in the original, is the big chase scene: three small cars darting in and out of traffic and generally driving where you shouldn't. (The chase scene in the original is IMHO one of the best I've ever seen)

This is one to wait for it to get to the video store. Meanwhile, visit your local mom-and-pop video store and rent "The Hot Rock". You'll be glad you did.
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