Review of The Pitts

The Pitts (2003)
Even the Devil himself would find this show to be too cruel to make someone watch...
3 August 2003
The Pitts, is literally the worst show to ever grace television. First off, I would like to say this: I will always hate Fox for canceling such great, and extremely funny shows like Family Guy, Titus, Futurama, and Married With Children, and then airing trash like this. I have to be honest, I only watched at the max ten minutes of this vile, that was all my mind could sustain. The acting is lurid, none of the actors give good performances, let alone a funny performance, but maybe the cause of that would be because of the horrible, and wretched script. While I'm on that matter, the script has not one good joke, the writers relied on the shows craziness, and wackiness for laughs, which was a BAD, BAD MISTAKE. None of the jokes told are ever funny, the cinematography is just like that of any other sitcom, the stories are ridiculously clichéd and witless, and worst of all, none of the jokes are funny. This show is just plain awful, it is literally the most insipid, vile piece of steaming smelly donkey crap ever to hit TV! I've never seen a show that was so unfunny! Full House wasn't funny but it had entertainment, The Brady Bunch wasn't funny, but like Full House it was just an entertaining show, and people back then found the jokes funny. The Pitts also suffers the indignities of noticeably using a laugh track over and over, and having people laugh at it, not because of the jokes, but because of how stupid it is. It's no wonder why it got cancelled after a few episodes. Fox cancelled Family Guy, and got this it's a go**amned shame. I hate Fox, and I hate this show with all my heart. It came from hell, but they didn't want it, so they threw it on Earth. The absolute worst show in history. May it burn in hell.

Overall Score: A big fat f***ing 0 out of 10!
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