Heartwarming and intensely likable
9 June 2004
Arguably *the* World Cup story of all-time. The unknown team from Communist North Korea play in the 1966 World Cup, win the hearts of the English working class and are only sunk by a virtuoso performance from one of the best players in the world. This is their story.

From the opening moments of the film, to the archive footage and the interviews with the passionate team, this film struck a chord with me and was more than just about football but the North Korean spirit. We remember the fluke result against Italy but this shows the other victories that can be achieved through passion and hard-work. They came to win the cup but they won British hearts in the process. The slant on the documentary isn't really political but the passion with which the Koreans speak of Kim Il Sung, they convey what he means to them in one of the most touching moments of the film. They wanted to win for their people, their leader and their country but nobody can call them losers.

A joy to watch and I give it the highest recommendation.
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