Thought provoking and moving
30 June 2004
I submitted a review of this film after seeing it on opening night. For some reason IMDB chose not to post it. I'm sorta glad. It gave me a chance to read a bunch of other reviews on this site.

I notice that, even though over 90 percent of the reviews I read were positive, the film only gets around an eight. A number of people rated the film a minimal score of one. I wonder if they saw this film before rating it. I doubt it.

All the negative takes on the film seem to have a couple of things in common: either they indulge in ad hominem attacks on Moore ("This is a terrible film. And Michael Moore is fat") or they say that the film is full of lies without providing any examples.

Documentary films, more than any other form, are made about subjects that the filmmaker feels strongly about. And Moore is obviously upset about the "pass" that the media has given to Bush and his Administration.

There was very little in this film that was new to me. But I've had to go looking for it. The So-called Liberal Media, if it reports on it at all, buries it deep in the paper. Most of what I know is from newspapers in other countries, like England, Canada and Australia.

The truth, like water, always finds an outlet. If the newspapers and broadcast media (the latter in the hands of just 6 corporations now) had been doing their job, there would be no need for the avalanche of books that have come out in the last year or two. And there would have been no need for a film like "Fahrenheit 9/11".

I hope that every voter (especially those who didn't cast a ballot in the 2000 race) sees this film with an open mind. If he/she disagrees with Moore's position, that's fine. But don't do so on the basis of the knee-jerk reaction of the right that says that if you disagree with what the President is doing, then you must be anti-American, a terrorist sympathizer or someone who "doesn't support Our Troops".

Freedom of Speech is one of our most treasured rights as Americans. Without it, and the free and open debate that flows from it, democracy itself is at risk.

See this movie with a friend. Argue and debate what it says. But don't condemn it out of hand because it contradicts your world view. That's un-American.

A must-see. Ten stars.
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