Tera Tera Tera (2004 Video)
The Last Tera Patrick movie I'll ever watch
1 August 2004
OK, so Tera finally learned to speak on film. Seems she took 2 years off from the porn biz and got married. Now coming back, she's decided she CAN have sex with girls after all (who cares?) but she can only have heterosexual sex with her hubby. Now in principle I admire monogamy, but you're a PORN STAR honey! That involves sex, lots of it. In general I think people who take their sexual morality this seriously probably shouldn't be in porn flicks. Also, I'm put off by the fact that while she won't do another guy, she will hold hubby's penis while another woman sucks it. All of this I could live with if hubby, one Evan "Spyder Jones" Seinfeld, wasn't a butt ugly, scary looking guy. Tera, I also am bald with a pot belly, minus the prison ink, pick me. I'll let you do other guys on film.

Enough dear, when you decide you want to be a porn star again, call me.
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