Review of Svidd neger

Svidd neger (2003)
Sickest movie out of Norway yet?
16 October 2004
Svidd Neger which means "Burnt Negro" caused a lot of controversy even before it was even seen, because of the name,

and was accused to racist. The finished product had no sign of racism in it though, but it

would upset people never the less. Or maybe not.. whatever is

going on in this movie is too bloody weird to get provoked by.

Or maybe it is. People react differently to things don't they?

Beautiful thing that.

One thing that is sure about the norwegian movie business is that

its probably going the right way, when crazy stuff like this gets

financed. This is no average norwegian movie at all. Still its

probably one of the best movies from Norway I've seen..

I know a lot of movies called "sick", but few movies that deserves it

as much as Svidd Neger. Its not a movie to view with your parents

probably, that for sure. It has a lot of really sick humor.

The story is set on a farm, and another farm.. and no person in this

movie is sane. Except for the girl to some extent.

I see a lot of people is comparing this to stuff David Lynch has

directed. Mmm. Not quite. Its much more silly and crazy.. and its

not an art-movie either. Its better to compare it to Lars Von Trier's

"The Idiots". Much better. Its a good picture though, and even if a more crazy ending would

have suited it its a brilliant movie! I gave it an 8/10 myself.
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