Have a nice Day
28 October 2004
Not bad third entry in the series has a small army living in an underground bunker conducting experiments on the zombies while also trying to find humans. Night of the Living Dead was groundbreaking, original horror. Dawn of the Dead was a comical and political film masquerading as a horror film and was perhaps even more original than the first. Day of the Dead is just a low-budget tack on. Needlessly talky script is even more bogged down by bad acting making for many lulls in between the gory stuff. Offers some scares along the way, but towards the end there's hardly any suspense. All we're left with is numerous grisly dismembering sequences of the bad guys. Best reason to watch is for Tom Savini's makeup and gore effects which are really put to use in the last half hour.

**1/2 out of ****
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