Review of Dark Tides

Dark Tides (1998)
Sprung A leak
2 December 2004
**SPOILERS** Very confusing movie that covers all the bases, infidelity betrayal murder and a dark past, thats as muddled as the bottom of the bay where the suitcase of money was dumped in the film.

Two brothers Ben & Don as well as Ben's old lady Sara are out fishing one night and spot a light out at sea. Hiding in their boat with the light turned off they see something drooped into the water. When the other boat is gone they dredge out of the sea a suitcase that contains some $500,000.00 is stolen cash.

Ben who wasn't getting along that well with his wife Sara then goes to the local village bar and lives it up with his new found wealth which only draws attention to himself by the mobsters who deep sixth the suitcase. Ben's big mouth makes things not only hot for him but the hood, Quinlan, who hid and then lost the loot.

With the head mobster Sam who only seems to know three words in the English language, "Where's My Money!", as mad as hell to what happened to his money has Quinlan and his boys put on the hook to get the money back or else! Besides all this we see that the lovable couple Ben & Sara aren't exactly law-abiding citizens themselves.

It's not quite fully explained by the movie but it seems that Sara and Ben murdered her first husband Stu five years ago by shoving him down a flight of stairs. Sara made her husbands death look accidental by drenching him with a bottle of booze. The two lovebirds also collected a sizable amount of money from the insurance company that covered Stu's life.

Later this mysterious blond Kim shows up and again were not quite sure just who she is. It seems that she's Stu's daughter as well as Quinlan's wife or girlfriend and knows about Sara, from an old diary of hers, and Ben being responsible for the murder of her father.

The movie goes on with the on the lamb Quinlan getting hooked up with Sara in a plot to murder her husband Ben, who's always abusing her, and taking off with the cash that he has hidden in the couples house. Quinlan and Sara finish off Ben at sea and then sink the boat making it look, Ben's death, like it was a accident.

Back at the house both Sara and Quinlan realize that Ben hid the money too well for them to find and before you know it Sam's gang are at the house also looking for it and trying to do in Quinlan. The movie ends with a car and speedboat chase a shootout where both Quinlan and Ben's brother Don are killed and the crazed Sam is finally shot by his own men when they just had all that they could take from him bellowing "Where's My Money" every ten seconds with then Sara, who earlier found the missing $500,000.00, taken hostage by Kim.

Both Kim & Sara now airborne, Sara is an experienced pilot, and out of trouble seem to have gotten away with murder. Kim takes a swig out of a bottle of champaign to celebrate and we sense that as soon as the plane lands she'll knock off Sara and take the stolen money! What Kim doesn't know is that the champaign is laced with the deadly cleaner fluid Draino! And they say crime doesn't pay? it did for Sara in the movie "Dark Tides".
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