Review of Shredder

Shredder (2001)
Weak Movie with Poor Characters that Had potential
21 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was alright. Wait a second, no it wasn't. The killer was pretty obvious, and the typical carefree teens who just want to party is so overdone. The movie was so bad, watching the bad character progression and listening to the poor audio quality hurt worse than the dumb ways the characters were killed.

This is one of those movies where you have to suspend your disbelief for the majority of the film. One of the girls get's strangled by her own scarf on the chair lift, and rotates around a good 5 times. Nobody on the hill or at the bottom of the lift seems to notice.

The only character that you end up liking gets knocked out in a stupid car accident, proving she's just as dumb as the rest of them, which diminishes any redeeming quality for that character. The kill offs her, and then she magically comes back to life to save the day.

Bad B movie, I thought it was in the 'comedy' section because it was a parody or had jokes, but nope, the only thing that makes this movie funny is the fact that it sucked so bad.

The acting was alright and if this was a student film I'd say it was good...the poor sequences of time jump editing also made this one hard to enjoy, oh and the sound track was bad...the suspenseful music helped a little bit, but not enough to giving it a passing grade.

4 out of 10
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