Space Mutiny (1988)
This is by far the worst movie I have ever seen.
3 January 2005
And by this I mean totally devoid of a SINGLE redeeming quality. I watched it on the MST3K compilation which also had a made-for-PBS stinker starring Raul Julia called Overdrawn at the Memory Bank, which my wife disliked, but I compared to The Matrix in idea and which predated The Matrix by many years, so I defended its spirit if not its quality (which was humorously questionable). After watching Spacy Mutiny (which I could tell was going to be a Star Wars rip-off just from the title, never mind that the "sexy" main characters names were Ryder and Lea) I told my wife that as far as compared to that ridiculous movie, Overdrawn at the Memory Bank was smart, thought-inspiring, and heartfelt. **I HATED SPACE MUTINY**! Of course, the "worst movie of all time" would be a few seconds (or a few hours) of a camera pointed at a pile of s*** still steaming, but nobody spent hours editing it, planning it, casting it, designing costumes, lights, set, directing it, choreographing the dancing aliens. People did this work for Space Mutiny, and none of it made this movie more interesting than a movie about a steaming turd. I was most impressed by all the work some programmer from Digital put into the special effects, and by special effects I don't mean the space fighting scenes (which were apparently stolen from Battlestar Gallatica), but the computer graphics (out of an early eighties home computer)which actually followed the plot of the movie better than the editor of the movie, who put scenes of a woman in the film after she was shot and killed by Calgon the incessantly laughing bad guy, five feet away from the "nightclub in space" where people danced with hula-hoops. I also was impressed by some of the stunt men, who threw themselves off of extremely high railings in interesting positions; too bad the particular fight they perished in (appently the climax of the movie) was horribly staged, the music was insipid keyboard noises, the main characters were in plain view and consistently shot at and missed from mere feet away. . . (I'm just stunned at the ineptitude of this film.) It was released in 1988, but couldn't have been made later than 1983, so I don't know how or why it was released. Having only seen the Mystery Science Theater version, I am assuming that there was a few sex scenes cut, otherwise the psychic-alien-sexy-women-dancing-with-plasma-balls Balarians were, so. . . unnecessary. . .(Shaking my head in disbelief). I recommend any MST3K video. Its just that I thought I was watching the last MST3K episode, cause I didn't think anything could get any worse, so they must have saved this one for last.
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