Pretty entertaining
3 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I really like the first Riddick movie Pitch Black. I watch it at least once a year. One of the things that I like about it is its simplicity when it comes to plot and the fact that over time you come to care about the murderer Riddick. The perfect unwilling hero with a nice character arc.

So, now we have the sequel. It does not have a simple plot in the same way as Pitch Black. There are Necromongers, mercs, prison planets, elementals(?) and so on and so on. I honestly think that a follow up to Pitch Black should have had another set up/structure. My favourite part in The Chronicles of Riddick is the scenes where Riddick, Kyra and their fellow prisoners run across the surface of Crematoria, staying away from both the cold and the deadly heat of the sunrise. I like it because it is in many ways similar to the pitch black scenes in Pitch Black. The scenes have the same feeling and the same structure, but the Chronicles... scenes are different enough from the Pitch Black scenes to still be interesting.

As I said before, a follow up to Pitch Black should have had another set up/structure. I would certainly have preferred a much more simple plot. Perhaps a movie that *focused* on getting Jack/Kyra away from Crematoria.

However, that is not what The Chronicles of Riddick is. It is a big movie with big ideas. Sometimes it's too pompous for its own good and some lines are absolutely cringe-worthy and silly. But I must say that I was entertained almost all the time, so I can't say I'm very disappointed. I just think a smaller movie could have been so much better.

As for the acting, Judi Dench doesn't have to do very much and I can't say I'm very impressed with what she does do. Not that she's bad. Thandie Newton does a rather good Lady Macbeth-like character. Alexa Davalos is great as Kyra. She really kicked some ass and looked cool while doing it. And Vin Diesel... He is Riddick. I know he's probably not a very good actor, but he was made to play Riddick, I tell you.

So, this one gets a 6 out of 10 for the entertainment value.
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