The Demon (1981)
Worst Horror Film Ever!
13 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I used to think it was The Howling 3 or 4 (the one where they square dance throughout the movie) but now I have seen the worst EVER!!!!!!!!!! Terrible! The star dies right away, the movie shifts plots and then simply ends as though they ran out of money! If you ever want to play a trick on someone, recommend this movie. It's so bad, after it ends, you'll sit there deciding whether to laugh or be mad and want the last hour and 30 minutes of your life back. IMDb wants at least 10 lines about this movie? This will be putting more effort into the review than the directer did in the whole movie. The movie starts out interesting and quickly takes a downward spiral into an empty hole that leaves you scratching your head. Unless you are a collector of VERY bad movies, stay clear of this waste of time. Shame on the creators of this film! If it were released today, Full Moon Productions would turn it down! Awful...just plain awful!
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