The Dogwalker (1999)
Good characters & acting, but the slow story will make you regret watching it.
18 January 2005
I watched this flick because TiVo's guide gave it 3 stars, and because the initial characters seemed fresh and interesting. While the most of the characters managed to remain surprisingly rich throughout the movie, the dragging story suffocates the movie experience.

This indie movie may have been made for only $500,000, but that doesn't excuse the slow pace and drifting plot, even if Cameron Crowe thinks it's memorable.

The second-most identifiable problem, after the weak story, is the main character. The actor does a solid job, no fault there. Really, Will Stewart is good. Unfortunately, the character is supposed to be a likable bad-boy, but his unlikable acts include drugs, taking advantage of old people, and leaving an underage girl in a motel room with a druggie friend. His charisma is noteworthy, but I still didn't care about him.

Maybe this movie is stuck in limbo between an R rating and PG-13. Related to this, when the sexual tension between the main character and the mother does pay-off (after having been seemingly forgotten), the event is dull and not as quirky as the music and choreographing seem to imply. The flexibility offered by a solid R-rating might have made this a better flick.

You might like Paul Duran's The Dogwalker if you think drugs are an acceptable way to "take away the pain" of life, and if you loved David Lynch's Mulholland Drive. But even then, no ... just re-watch Mulholland Dr. and struggle to wrap your brain around that story.
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