Review of Rock School

Rock School (2005)
Homework Again?
31 January 2005
No one at Sundance had the temerity to ask director Don Argott if he began his documentary of the real-life School of Rock before or after Jason Black's eponymous comedy became a smash hit. In any event, it is fascinating to meet Paul Green, the school's founder, up close and personal. Green is a 30-something adolescent that has never recovered from his dream to be a rock star. So he lives his life vicariously through the kids, teaching them, getting them gigs and trying to mold his place as the greatest developer of young rock 'n roll talent in the world. (It's a nice moniker, but probably doesn't impress the chicks nearly as much as "Rock Star.")

Imagine if you will parents paying good money for an after-school program where their children learn the music,history and culture significance of bands like Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and Metallica. Watch Mom join in the fun by dressing up her nine-year-old boy like Ozzy Osbourne, with a fake cross tattoo on his forehead? (Being something of a traditional parent, Mom couldn't quite be convinced to allow her child to wear the pentagram and other satanic symbols he requested, but it was a close call.)

Student Council this is not. But it must be worth it, right? Some of these kids can make their Stratocaster riff like Jimmy Page. And if they're lucky, maybe they can even be rock stars some day, which I'm sure will make them model citizens and bring unbridled happiness and contentment into their lives.

Pardon the cynicism. I do love rock 'n roll. And the fact is, this is an entertaining film that flies by—which is a little unusual for a documentary. The kids seemed to like and respect Green, and I think he genuinely cares for them. But as a parent, I can't say that I'd wish the lifestyle on my kids. And I couldn't help but have a sick feeling hearing Mr. Green launch into profanity-filled tirades, or hearing some of the kids return fire.

I'm sure that some good comes out of the experience. But at what cost?
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