I'd Rather Peel An Orange With My Knees.
14 March 2005
I like to eat a snack when watching a film. Sometimes it's chocolate and other times it's fruit. Rarely do I eat oranges because I hate the sticky juice on my fingers. And that is what this film is. Sticky juice that you want to wash off right away.

Not for many a year have I seen such a terrible film except for the nonsense of Beligni's La Bella e Vita.

I curse myself for wasting minutes of my 'life time' in watching this totally useless film. How it was given an Oscar nomination I shall never know. The implausible story aside, the filming techniques were an utter disgrace. Hand cam is not the right word. It seems like it was filmed by someone with a serious neurological disease. Panning, close focus, long shots etc were thrown out of the window and substituted with a manic frenzy of out of focus close ups and wavering mid shots. And as to the scene cuts? I can only assume that all members of the crew were given a pair of scissors. If not I can only assume they had a break for drinks every three minutes. Compare this film with "The Return" I you will know what I mean.

Listen folks, if the story is good, let it speak for itself. No amount of trickery will make a bad plot into a good one. If you want to know the secret of filming watch "Paper Moon". Better still watch real life. How often do you walk around in circles while having a normal conversation.

And then there's the lighting. I don't think the subdued lighting shots were intentional. I guess they needed the candles for the dinner table scene. As for 'contre jour'. The words and method escaped them I think.

Clichés. This film has so many you could release a second copy DVD showing them all. How many more films will I have to see without wanting to scream as the camera pans/jolts upwards to reveal a Gestapo flag? In this film they spared no measure. They did it three times!

It was good to see that they used a Jack Russel terrier as a continuity link for the street scene. Something must have happened though because when it was having to do some night time barking it changed into a rotweiller. How odd?

I was very impressed with the sole German soldier who was on duty in the street. Obviously the budget couldn't go beyond a Jack Russel, its food and one member of the Wehrmacht.

As to the acting. If it hadn't been for the main character it would have died a death in the first ten minutes. Hold on! It did.

This film wasn't satire nor was it dark humour. It was farce with a badly written story line, appalling filming and casting. It is on the same level as Benigni's La Bella e Vita. Which is to say - banal.

Finally. Remind me never to watch another film with Janslav Dušek, In his character role he would, as a collaborator, have been shot by the resistance. As it is, he can take part responsibility for the film being peppered with holes from start to finish.

If you are going to film a subject which directly or indirectly relates to the extermination of 6 million people then do it with taste and elan.

Would someone please inform the director as to what real satire is as opposed to Benny Hill/Mr. Bean comedy. For example: "Apocolypse Now" or "Dr. Strangelove"

It fully deserves a minus 100 rating. It would have been given a minus 1000 but some credit needs to be given to the dog.
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