Review of So Weird

So Weird (1999–2001)
Why So Weird needs to be on DVD
31 March 2005
So Weird is one of Disney's best made shows ever! I just don't know why it's taking them so long to bring it out on DVD. It's been almost a year since they renewed the rights for it. I would buy it in a heartbeat. I have been watching Disney try and duplicate what they did with So Weird but have never got close. The show had a perfect blend of weird stuff, action, awesome plot, and music that all mixed to create a lot of times a very emotionally powerful punch. My favorite episode is where Fiona is in Ireland. That episode is a perfect example of how emotionally powerful this series can get. Cara Delizia the actor who plays Fiona is brilliant. They could not have found a better actor to play Fiona. She had such subtle such as when there was something really emotional her bottom lip quivered ever so slightly. You can't fake or teach that kind of subtlety. Awesome show. Needs to be on DVD!!!!
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