Review of The Terminal

The Terminal (2004)
Spielberg and silliness
19 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I don't ask for much in a movie. All I want is to care about the characters and what happens to them. That's all. Not every movie can do that, no matter how hard it tries. People wept while watching "Big Fish"; I thought, "If I were stuck next to Albert Finney's character on a train, I'd weep, too." That is to say, I didn't care. Maybe I'm a hardcase, or maybe not; I wept at the end of "Edward Scissorhands." Go figure.

Now here is "The Terminal" with Tom Hanks in his most likable role, in my opinion, since Forrest Gump. Some have said he's TOO likable. "The movie is too formulaic." "Too silly." "Sappy." "Too sweet." "Not up to Spielberg's best." You know what? Not all of Spielberg's movies can be "Schindler's List." Or "E.T." What you have here is a movie that made me remember what it was like to have a good time at the movies and leave feeling good about the world in general. This movie was literally a breath of fresh air amid the noxious fumes of hate and war and fear that pervade our society nowadays. Too silly? What's wrong with a silly movie every now and then, AS LONG IT MAKES YOU CARE ABOUT THE CHARACTERS? I don't mean "Scooby-Doo" silly; I'm talking "Say Anything..." silly.

I found myself caught up in Viktor's world and the friends he made in the terminal. I was moved when he explained to Amelia why he carries that damn peanut can around. I was moved again when Gupta selflessly provides a (possible) way for Viktor to leave the terminal. I found myself physically rooting for Viktor when he arranges a private dinner date for Amelia on the "terrace." What else can you wish for in a film? I have but one complaint. As moved as I was by his romance with Amelia, I didn't think it was absolutely necessary. The story was involving enough without throwing a love story into the mix. But Spielberg makes it work well enough that I didn't care too much.

All of this is to say: Do yourself a favor and rent "The Terminal." Unless you're an incurable humbug who thinks Spielberg should stick to war movies and nothing else, in which case this movie will do nothing for you. For everyone else, check it out. Come on. It'll be fun. Remember fun?
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