Review of Indigo

Indigo (2003)
25 April 2005
This is a very clever marketing scheme to give parents the opportunity to claim their children's inability to fit in is evidence of their being at a higher level of human evolution. No more ADD/ADHD! Instead they're...indigo. While it's necessary to accept people who are different and recognize what special skills they may have, it does them a disservice to ascribe to them mystical powers that aren't identified by any scientist. It only serves to isolate them further, by making them into freaks, even if they're "superior" freaks. People with ADD/ADHD apparently make good executives, because they're impatient when other people start discussing things, and they'd rather make their own decisions, which they have sufficient confidence to feel are correct. We should be fostering these abilities, not encouraging use of their "net" or their "healing touch," unless studies can demonstrate that such things exist. I am also curious as to how this phenomenon of "indigo children" can be so widespread but have escaped the attention of the mainstream media and psychological journals. Not only haven't the journals published articles on indigos, which could simply be the result of a "bias" among scientists, but there haven't even been editorials or letters, or, if there are, they aren't appearing in PsycInfo, which appears to be the most prominent psychological database. In the mainstream news media, the only articles have been about the film and the book. Other than that, there have been no comments on it, which suggests to me that Tappe developed this concept out of thin air, and plenty of people were gullible enough to buy it.

Even ignoring the fact that this film tried to preach a non-existent message, it wasn't even a very good show. The acting was what you'd expect for such a script, but the plot was terrible and existed only to showcase the girl's "special gifts." This film is only recommended if you believe that what science hasn't disproven must be real.
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