Well Executed And Extremely Moving Film
14 May 2005
As I write these comments (on 5-14-05) this film has only a 6.7/10 user rating on its IMDb page. That is such a disgrace. It is easily a 10 in my book. Just a terrific piece of work. And what a tribute to Mark Wexler that he was able to tell such a remarkably candid tale of he and his father's troubled relationship without pulling any punches. Also, the inherent irony in watching this tremendous documentary, is that throughout it, Haskell Wexler, his prolific and highly critical father, is condemning Mark for many of his film-making choices. The scene where Mark pleads with his father to please step out on the balcony to conduct the interview so he can frame him with the cityscape of San Francisco in the background is utterly tragic. It is a microcosm of their entire relationship. The son both literally and figuratively trying to step out of the shadows, those in that little hotel room and those cast by his legendary father. Mark Wexler should be proud and resolute in the knowledge that he is not only out of that formidable shadow, he is casting quite a shadow of his own with this wonderful film.
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