Mein Kampf (1960)
Magnificent, Impressive, Depressive and Mandatory Lesson of History
21 May 2005
"Mein Kampf" presents the raising and fall of the Third Reich, showing mainly the destruction of Poland and the life of Hitler, which is told since he was a mediocre student and frustrated aspirant of artist living in slums in Austria and Germany, until his suicide in 1945 after being the responsible for the death of millions of people, and the destruction of Europe. All the footages are real and belonged to a secret file of Goebbels, inclusive with many very strong scenes filmed by Goebbels himself. It is impossible not crying with the scenes of the Jews in the ghetto of Warsaw and in the concentration camps. When a viewer sees a movie such as "Schindler's List", for example, he or she knows that the characters are fictional, and they are actors and actresses using make-ups or edited using computer effects in the present days. However in "Mein Kampf", when you see a person, he or she is real; her bones, the flies around the wounds are reality! This documentary is a magnificent, impressive and depressive lesson of history, and should be mandatory in any school worldwide. It is ironical when we see the following introduction: "As human beings, we are responsible for what he did – for he was one of us and we permitted this to happen. May we be wise enough and strong enough to prevent this from ever happening again." Or when the narrator advises in the end of the documentary that these things should never happen again. When I see on TV what is happening in Iraq or Palestine, just to mention recent examples, I really lose my faith in the human race. It is sad to see what mediocre, but powerful leaders, can do with mankind! Just as a reference, another magnificent documentary about Adolf Hitler is "Undergångens Arkitektur", and a great movie to see what happened with the megalomaniac dream of Hitler and the fate of Berlin and Germany is "Germania Anno Zero". My vote is ten.

Title (Brazil): "Minha Luta" ("My Fight")
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