I Hope Hollywood Isn't The Voice Of America
9 June 2005
Retrospective. Oh dear, oh dear oh dear. What trite nonsense. Be it Nicole Kidman desperately trying to look sexy with wet hair or delivering the immortal line: 'I'd be more worried by a terrorist with one bomb than ten', this films is utter balderdash. Once more American film studios search out a bette noir, this time it's the Bosnians. And hey, surprise, surprise, those darned Ruskies are friends.

One an only assume that the people who watch this kind of film have the mental capacity of Mickey Mouse - hence the need for exciting location titles every few moments - not that they are needed because there is a gross stereotype for every nationality or ethnic minority. If I hear another Russian called Dimitri I am going to scream.

I loved the peasantification of the the Serbs and Croats. Have the film crew ever been to Eastern Europe? Clearly not.

The positive aspect of the film is that it enables one to discriminate between bad films and good films. Ahhh...so nice to have such bad films at hand.

I dread the day when some other director and 'B' grade actors make a film on the Iraq conflict. I'll conclude as I started. Oh dear,oh dear.
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