Out of Season (2004)
Flawed Attempt at Noirish Thriller
17 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The film was hurt by not clearly establishing where it was meant to be set. Since half the cast were American, I assume it was meant to be the US, but the rainy, out-of-season seaside resort with dodgy fairground rides seems much more reminiscent of Britain. The remainder of the cast sport a weird array of accents - Jim Carter attempts to sound American but not very convincingly, Jordan Frieda sounds like a British public schoolboy and I couldn't quite work out whether David Murray's Simeon was meant to be Irish or some other nationality.

The lack of a clearly defined setting meant it was harder to believe in the characters. They had no grounding or context. The film was intended to be a kind of Greek tragedy but I found it unconvincing and relying too much on coincidence. Plus points were Dennis Hopper (who is always superb) and David Murray, who exuded a powerful and menacing presence as the chief evil-doer.
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