Intelligent sci-fi
29 June 2005
A meteor crashes out in the desert near a remote town. John Putnam (Richard Carlson) and girlfriend Ellen Fields (Barbara Rush) see it and investigate. What John finds is an alien spaceship...but an avalanche covers it up. Over the next few days townspeople start to act very strange...like an alien mind is controlling them...

This was originally shown in 3-D. I was lucky enough to see it that way in a theatre back in the 1980s. There was real restraint of it--it didn't come up much. My favorite was when Carlson swung a telescope to the audience--I actually thought it would hit me! And the aliens POV shots had them looking through a bubble--cause it looked good in 3-D.

3-D aside this was a well-made and deadly serious movies about aliens. The script was pretty intelligent--for its era. Also this is the rare sci-fi movie where the aliens were NOT evil. Still they looked pretty gruesome (gave me nightmares as a kid).

Carlson is surprisingly very good--he has some difficult lines but pulls them off. Rush isn't given much to do but look beautiful--which she does well!:) And there's a very funny sequence with Kathleen Hughes playing a blonde bombshell. Also it's fun to see Russell Johnson in an early role before he became The Professor from Gilligan's Island. Nice eerie music score too.

Considered, quite rightfully, as one of the top sci-fi films of the 1950s. Recommended.
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