Does for Jason what Halloween III did for Michael
29 June 2005
It seemed like New Line tried a little too hard to be innovative with this installment. I thought Part VII was too over the top with a telekinetic girl, but the whole body-switching approach was ridiculous even for the most hardcore Friday fan. If Jason can "wear other peoples' bodies the way you and I wear clothes" as is said in the film, then why didn't Jason use this power in any of the previous installments? Also, by following this format, the audience is basically just watching a generic slasher flick as "Jason" only appears in the film for about fifteen minutes. It was especially sad to think that critics had been lambasting the franchise for years and this bomb just gave them all the more ammunition. After it was all said and done, I was very disappointed to think that this may indeed be the "final Friday," because to end the series with this load of trash would be desecration. If you ever want to watch the entire series back-to-back, start with part one, go through part eight and then skip ahead to Jason X.
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