Scary movies on a budget... yep, this is one of them!!
7 July 2005
Make no mistake, when buying budget horror dvds, you are going to end up with budget horror. There, simple! However, most often these budget titles are no so much horror as farce, not so much scary as spoof.

Sorority House Massacre is a budget film for sure, but refreshingly has some elements of horror and suspense. The bad guy is bad, the good girl is good. And some of the 'action' is credible.

Maybe the plot-line has been used before, and it's improbability could seem tiring. Maybe the diversion of the Sorority House, chock full of nubile women who change their clothes every so often is laughable rather than erotic or compelling. The characters are a bit stiff, even before any are murdered! Grieving, shock , and any other necessary emotions are minimal. But the overall task of the film, the creation of suspense, the feeling of horror, is definitely smouldering away in there... and might just serve it's purpose for budget movie buyers. Another thing I liked was the credibility of the murders and fatalities. People are being attacked and are dying. There's no martial arts, very little wild thrashing about or incessant screaming, no long drawn-out fight scene, no falling over mortally wounded, only to rise up again and defeat the menace using both the severed arm and the decapitated leg. Praiseworthy, to be sure, surprise, scream, stab, dead. Brilliant!

OK, so I'm not going to tell you that this is a highly under-rated film, which needs watching carefully in a darkened room for the best effect. It's just a film, a kind of horror, typical of it's era. But it's watchable. It's not a total waste of time a space... only a partial waste!! Not Hollywood at it's budget best, but definitely not it's worst. I rated a "5"
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