Quirky, unusual and engaging even if it is very light in substance (spoilers)
17 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It is New Years Eve, 2057 and nothing has really changed in the world since the turn of the century. Steve and Robert are working the night shift in a convenience store just like they always do. The years pass as quickly as the nights and nothing changes. Robert is fixated on the woman who does his job during the days and spends the night watching the CCTV footage of her recorded during the day shift. Months role by until one night the woman sends a message to Robert via the camera and he knows he must act soon or miss any chance he has.

Opening in the future, this short sees years past in seconds, with only a few scenes across that vast time period – the only way we know it has moved is by the date on the wall or the stamp on the CCTV footage. The two night workers chat inanely and worry about the girl and, as the chance to do something comes up, it is allowed to slip away by the inactivity of both the men. Steve has won the lottery we are told but is unsure what to do with the money so continues to work in the shop. And so we have a short film that is essentially a tribute to those stuck in dead jobs who seem unable to escape them and just settle into the monotony of their existence. Julve must have some experience in this world because she has captured it well and produced a wonderfully quirky little short that is amusing and engaging despite the fact that it is ultimately about nothing.

The look of the film is cool and she has used the limited sets and budget very well. The writing produces some amusing exchanges but it is more in the silence that the film is interesting and distracting, it has plenty going on and it did keep me interested throughout. The acting is good despite the short time on screen and both Perkins and Robinson convince against the odds. It doesn't have much substance beyond what I have already pointed out but its quirky feel and good delivery mean it is interesting and engaging throughout and worth seeing if you get the chance.
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