Review of Serenity

Serenity (2005)
fit me with my new browncoat
1 October 2005
I was, lets say an honorary browncoat (browncoats are what fans of the TV show Firefly on which Serenity is based call themselves). I had seen a few episodes on the first (short) run and caught more on the Sci-fi channels recent re-airings, and liked every episode. Also a fan of Joss Whedon, especially Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I love his stories and dialog, the way the characters interact with each other in his stories are always great, and he loves to throw something unexpected at you, no one is ever safe in his scripts. That being said I was looking forward to Serenity. One word sums it up WOW. Definitely one of my favorite films this year. Funny, action packed, dramatic, scary, sad...if you want it in a movie it's here. The spirit of the film is fresh and fun, the dialog is witty and humorous. Just can't say enough about it. The theater I saw it in laughed out loud at every great one liners, gasped at the Reavers (cannabalistic space pirates) attacks, and applauded loudly at the finish of the film. I'm sure the Browncoats were in full force last night, but after seeing the movie new recruits will make it the hottest fashion of this fall season. Can't wait for the stories continuation.
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