Review of Nine Lives

Nine Lives (2005)
disjointed and annoying
12 October 2005
I walked out after the 3rd "segment" because I simply could not watch such crap. My girlfriend stayed while I went to the bar next door. After the movie, she met me in the lobby and we ran out of there as quickly as we could. We did not want to stay for the Q&A with the director afterwords. Terrible over the top acting, and the script treats these women as victims who are unable to help themselves, they have been brought down by (the system, their ex-boyfriend, their father, etc...) and can not will themselves out. Shows no plot, no story development, no character progression, just a "slice-O- life" that makes no sense in the context. One reviewer who loved this movie mentioned it is in the caliber of "The 400 Blows." I hope reviewer has actually seen that movie to make such a bold statement. I give this movie a 2 and not a 1 simply because I think the no-cuts steady cam shots are pretty cool and I know how hard it is to pull off (although the framing was terrible throughout the entire thing) and make work.
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