Straight Line (1990 Video)
Disappointing made-for-TV Mr. T movie
18 October 2005
Like most others who stumble across this, I checked it out because, of course, it stars Mr. T. Plus the fact that his name in the movie is T.S. (for Too Strong) and the great tag-line ('What's the most dangerous distance between two points?') helped as well. Well, unfortunately it's quite disappointing. It's a made for TV movie, and involves Mr. T helping out some young punk turn his life around while investigating a plot to assassinate the first black mayor as well as another plot to train boys into a guerrilla army as well as 4 or 5 other plots of random things that have no reason to be there.

Why does it stink? Mr. T kicks hardly any ass, I think he punches one guy, he has no great line and doesn't even speak that often. While the Christian tones are subtle and not too abundant, the 'after-school-special'-ness of it ranks very high.

It unfortunately falls into that category of a bad movie, that's not bad enough to be entertaining, and since Mr T plays a pacifist, well that just about settles it.
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