The Thick of It (2005–2012)
Better Than The Americans
21 November 2005
If you are a fan of the Daily Show you should have your head checked and immediately turn onto this wonderful, intelligent satire brought to you by Armando Iannucci. The members of the Houses of Commons would probably like you to believe that their day to day lives would mirror the intellectual bravado of Yes Minster however it is more likely to mirror the bear pit spineless back stabbing depicted in The Thick of It. With Chris Langham, as the incompetent minster and Peter Capaldi, playing a wonderful if not frighteningly accurate Alastair Campbell, The Thick of It shows modern British politics as the spin filled world in which it has became. In comparison to the constant Bush baiting and idiotic cat-calling in the Daily Show along with the celebrities who come on just to plug their new show reminds us satire is always best coming from this side of the pond. This show is the best thing I've seen all year and simply unmissable.

P.S As for the camera work that is simply a deliberate effect in order further improve the dialogue of the characters. It is a fact that most of the scenes are half scripted and half improvised. The fact that you found this funny but stop watching it due to the camera work is simply picking at imaginary faults.
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