The Hot Chick (2002)
Brilliant hilarious teenage comedy
30 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Rob Schneider is a comedy genius and he proves it in the Hot Chick: the way he imitates teenage girls throughout the film is just irresistible. The story is entertaining enough: a pompous teenage wannabe prom queen is unfortunate enough to cast a spell on herself while manipulating an ancient pair of earrings in an Antique shop. She's turned into a man during her sleep while the man is turned into her at the same time. The wake up call is hilarious. The girl discovering a man's sexuality and body from within is a very enjoyable moment. Then comes the traditional - but always welcome - mistaken identity jokes: her dad thinks she's the gardener and expands on his sex life problems... etc. Anna Faris as April is extremely good as usual. Not to be missed. You'll cry of laughter if you enjoy the genre. A masterpiece in its genre!
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