Not bad at all
15 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I've been alarmed by Wilson since his disastrous participation in the fiasco, "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" but I have to admit he didn't really mess this one up nearly as badly as he's capable of. Vaughn put in a decent day's work as well, and the female performers were all very good. Add the always-on, now almost stereotypic performance of Walken and the cast overall can be rated as quite good.

The worst scenes of the film concern the main love story involving Wilson't character. I found myself almost completely uninterested in what happens to him during those scenes; whether he gets the girl or is killed by wild dogs would not have made a difference to me. On the other hand, the wedding scenes and the banquet scenes were well done and very entertaining.

This isn't "Gone with the Wind" and it isn't a film that'll be discussed in film classes next century, but it is fun to watch and will give you a positive feeling when it's all said and done. Look out for Jane Seymour as a nymphomanic upper-crust has-been trophy wife, look out for the good presentation of upper-class twits (big ears, big ego, inbred to the point of almost complete homozygosity etc.), look out for the Yoda-style, old-time-master appearance by Will Ferrel, and look out for late fees -- this isn't worth buying and it's not worth paying more than $1 to rent. 7/10; needs more profanity and more explosions to rate higher.
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