22 February 2006
Much worse than the first film, this sequel seemed totally contrived and from what I gather was simply a vehicle for the actors to hang out in Holland while getting paid. Nothing to see here. The plot is silly, the characters overdone and boring, and not even the ranting and raving of TJ can save the film. I am giving it 3 points out of 10 because it did have me chuckling at one or two scenes (max!) but it deserves no more, as all the gags are recycled and/or not original (tossing a midget out a window, for example, is not exactly the most novel stunt around -- though I will grant that having him land in a canal may be a new twist on a well established, if not worn out, gag). With uninvolved actors, predictable (lack of) plot, and general red-light Amsterdam pseudo-aura about it, this one is suitable only as a $1 rental for teenagers, and then only if the teenagers are particularly dim. If your kids are dense, go for it. Otherwise look elsewhere.
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