Sordid Lives (2000)
Inspiring, Amusing, and Enriching
24 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am usually one who loves effects and huge KABOOM flix. Gimme Eye Candy, or get off my screen!

But once in a great while, someone will bring out an Indy (May, Ginger Snaps, Brotherhood of the Wolf) which grabs me and won't let go. This is one of those jewels.

Based on small town life in Texas, this wonderful story rings true all across the Deep South of the US. If you're not from the US (at least), you probably won't understand the truthfulness of this work; how true to life these characters are. I honestly felt like I was down home, visiting my family. No other movie (Sweet Home Alabama, Under Siege, Stone Cold, Forrest Gump) has made me feel more like I was sitting in Aunt Mary's parlor, enduring another day in the life, than this production.

They wanted to catch the feel of the moment. They wanted to expose the way life really IS in the Deep South. They succeeded on a level I have never before experienced. It was brilliantly witty and heart touching.

The story itself was wonderful, the dialog was brilliant, the sets and costuming were inspired, accents were beautiful and not forced (Jessica Simpson's Daisy Duke), and the thespians submit dead on portrayals.

This one is not for the kiddies (unless they are FROM the Deep South in which case they've probably heard and seen worse), but is wonderful inspiration for anyone who is homesick. This movie will either break you down and make you buy that ticket home, or will give you the resolve to stay put by reminding you why you don't live there anymore!

I give it 10/10 on the Indy Scale. That's a solid 8/10 on the A Scale from...

the Fiend :.
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