No sex or violence, but still realistic. Isn't life amazing?
26 March 2006
Here is a small film that seeks to tell of life in a rough part of Brooklyn, that has a staff (i.e., cast) that reflects the neighborhood, that wants the stories to be true and accurate, and that has blessedly few of the clichés that dominate the industry. No sex, nearly no violence, no (obvious) pimps or pushers, and the stories really do ring true.

Every one of the main characters has a moral dilemma that is heightened by the restaurant's sale. Each one responds differently and genuinely. I was especially touched by the crossword scene, and the straight-faced delivery by the old man (if you saw it, you know what I mean. If you didn't, it will grow in significance slowly).

Watch the "behind the scenes" feature and you will know why this film works so well.
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