A moving movie creating a lasting impression!!
27 April 2006
I came across this movie at least 12 years ago when a TV station was showing a number of Chinese movies. And to say that I remember this film at least 12 years on is saying something. This film concerns the death of a young woman in somewhat bizarre circumstances. Her young sibling is left behind and an insurance agent is dispatched in order to investigate the death with the brief being that he must report her death as suicide in order for the insurance firm to avoid paying out.

This young lady is now a ghost who is only visible to the insurance agent and they fall in love. What happens next are comic moments but then the film takes a serious turn as the family of the insurance agent recognise that there is a ghost in his life and hire an exorcist (for want of a better word) to get rid of it/her.

The final scenes of the girl spirit battling the exorcist,finally losing and the insurance agents desperate attempts to accompany her to the spirit realm are really quite moving.

The song at the end is sang by the lead actor and this was moving too although I did not know what he was saying. It just goes to prove that music is the language of love.

Every now and then I scan the TV guide to see if this film is coming on again and as I write this I am thinking that I will try ebay to see if I can get a hold of this movie on video or DVD.

This is one of those foreign movies that prove the the US by no means holds a monopoly on good movies. If fact I think Hollywood or the UK would struggle to make an English version of this movie and have it make half the impact of the original. This is a gem of a movie and if it is to be shown on your local TV, record it and watch it. You will not be disappointed.
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