Good report, with some flaws
28 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I like the scientific evidence and computer generated timelines that were created from the Zapruder film for this news special. They served to provide a different take on the shots fired and more concrete support that it was just Oswald acting and not a conspiracy.

The whole focus of this show was to make as much evidence known as possible to make it impossible that there WAS a conspiracy. However, all of the evidence itself surrounded their argument that the only bullets that struck and killed Kennedy himself were fired by Oswald. That alone does not prove that Oswald acted alone in shooting Kennedy, it only proves that he fired the only bullets that HIT Kennedy.

It is a fallacy in itself to assume that Oswald acted alone just because he was lucky enough to hit all 3 shots. He could have been paid off by any number of socialist/Communist organizations that he worked for, or by Castro himself. Heck, there could have been another shooter out there that day, that either fired shots and was not noticed or detected because of the actions of Oswald, or never fired shots because he realized that Oswald succeeded, and the the support help was not necessary.

There are just so many theories that were not discussed in this program. Granted, there is no way you can touch on everything in a 90 min program. Heck, you couldn't do it in a 10 hour miniseries. However, spending 1/3 of the show debunking the film JFK was not time well spent in my opinion.
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