The Core (2003)
This movie has pretty colors !!!!!!
19 May 2006
OK people - 5.4?!? Wow. That's an EXTREMELY generous score for this 'cinematic' turd. I'm truly shocked to find The Core's rating is that high... after being here for 5 years, I thought IMDb was at least half-full of snobs and movie nerds (like myself). Maybe not.

This is truly Bottom 500 material. The DVD cases should be labeled: "WARNING: Core is a noun and a verb. Exposure to this movie may result in the sensation of having your skull cored out." The reasons The Core more closely resembles the core of what's wrong with Hollyweird than a movie about the core of planet Earth are detailed everywhere else, so I won't repeat them here. Frankly, how anyone (even the "just turn off your brain and have fun!" apologists) can justify giving it anything above a 4 is beyond me... yet a significant number of voters must have given it 7s and 8s! I turned off my brain, wanted (and tried) to enjoy it and STILL feel my 3 vote is generous. You've heard the phrase "eye candy", right? The Core is eye arsenic.

My only theory is that most people who actually possess brains have avoided this 'movie' entirely (unlike myself) and have not voted - while those who found it enjoyable are the same people who were unable to detect its stench from a mile away... thus, the above-average ranking. It gives me hope to think that if the same cross-section of viewers saw The Core as saw The Godfather, this video vomit would have the 3 it deserves.

The Core: as in, "rotten to".
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