Fun to watch, low grade, and will scare kids
20 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I remembered seeing this movie on TV when I was a kid on the Saturday afternoon Sci-fi theater. At the time It was hard to follow (hint: anyone over the age of 10 will find it stupifying) and there was one scene that really frightened me out of my wits. For years I'd forgotten this movie when recently it popped up on a late night 'creature feature' and I watched it with my 8 year old nephew. Yes, from a film-making standpoint this movie is terrible..but so terrible it's FUN to watch. And the same scene that had me cowering under the blankets as a kid also terrified my nephew! I'm talking about a mid-film scene where the young boy witnesses his father (tranformed into a a truly laughable werewolf) lurching around in the middle of a road, causing cars to veer and crash, then attacking the injured passengers in the wrecks. Even as an adult I find this one small part singularly disturbing. If you see this is coming up on late night TV definitely check it out. It's like Ed Wood on bad acid.
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