Strange Stuff....
20 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
VALERIE AND HER WEEK OF WONDERS is a hard film to rate, much less review. The story itself is some sort of tripped out "coming-of-age" tale that is at times equally beautiful, confusing, and disturbing. There are some stunning visuals, a strange/dreamy storyline, and the acting is decent overall.

The plot revolves around Valerie who after having her first period at age 13, experiences a bunch of strange and dream-like encounters. Valerie lives with her grandmother who is turned into a vampire by a Nosferatu-like character that is referred to as "the weasel", her friend/brother named Eagle wants to marry her, the local priest wants to bone her, her grandmother comes back as her second cousin to try to kill her, she has some sort of strange lesbionic relationship with a woman named Hedvica - and there's some weird stuff thrown in about magic earrings that I didn't fully get.

Visually, VALERIE...is a strong film. It's very "dreamy" in a grown-up fairy-tale sorta way, much the same as THE COMPANY OF WOLVES is, so fans of strange, trippy, non-linear films will probably enjoy this one - but that said, onto my main "issue" with the film...

Even with all the sleaze and filth that I do watch, I find it disconcerting that more reviewers don't find the candid nudity and some racy scenes of a 13-year-old girl as disturbing as I do, and actually seem to revel in it. I've watched all sorts of gore/sleaze/porn/trash in my day - but anything involving actual children in the nude is strange and off-putting to me. Maybe that's my one boundary, maybe I don't understand Euro-cinema...but that's how I feel about it. That said, the few nude scenes are brief and semi-"tasteful" (I guess...), but I still felt as if I was watching something "wrong". The only reason I finished the film is because it is obviously not made as a voyeuristic pedophilia indulgence, and it is also obviously a "legal" film to own. I do feel it necessary though to warn anyone who will be offended by such material. Maybe I'm being overly "sensitive" as it's just a few quick boob/butt shots, but it still bothers me coming from a 13 year old girl...anyway - enough ranting. I have to admit that the film itself is enjoyable in a quirky sort of way and will probably be enjoyed by "art-house" style film lovers, those that dig visually compelling films - or sick bastards that wanna see a 13-year-old's tits. Luckily, I'm in the first two categories...7/10
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