Dragnet: The Big Girl (1954)
Season 3, Episode 31
Dragnet was always good, but this episode is rather weak
21 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is Sargeant Friday chasing a robber through LA in 1953 or so. In this case a tall "woman" is hitchhiking and shooting and then beating "her" victims. So far there were nine victims. Friday and his partner interview the last victim in the hospital. His spine was severed by the gunshot and his face had been savagely beaten.

Then a woman is captured trying to rob a motorist after he picked her up. It quickly develops that she is a copycat criminal. The police the compare notes and discover that some of the victims say "she" was a redhead, and some say blonde, and some say brunet. They conclude that she may have been using wigs.

Then they get a report the the theft of a number of wigs and dresses from the wardrobe department of a studio. At this robbery the criminal left a foot print of a male shoe. What could this mean? Then they get a call from a member of the public who reports that he saw a big woman who met the description who had been shot. They follow the trail of blood to a hotel for women where they arrest the criminal. Was the criminal a boy or a girl? I guess you will just have to watch the episode to find out.

The reason I think the episode is weak is because generally the clue which leads Friday to his prey is the result of some effort by the police. In this case it is just a report from the public.
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