A different take...
26 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
After hearing so much about "La Vita è Bella", I was excited when I discovered that I was to watch it for an English course. I had heard mixed things beforehand, from family, friends and critics, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Despite Benigni's over-acting, I quite enjoyed it for the first 45 minutes. However, when Guido (Benigni) and his son Giosué are sent to a concentration camp, my views quickly changed. Guido decides to hide the truth from his son, telling him that it's all just a game, and that in order to win, he must obey the Nazis. Even at the risk of losing his own life, he tries to make Giosué laugh. I was offended by the way Benigni turned such a serious situation into a light-hearted comedy/drama. The Holocaust is not something to be joked about, under any circumstances. All in all, there was good cinematography and performances, but the tone of the movie made me feel sick.
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