The Forgotten (1973)
Insane people everywhere should revolt
5 June 2006
The tag line is correct - remind yourself it is only a movie. This movie has no excuse for its problems. First of all why did they change the title of the version I was watching from "the forgotten" to "don't look in the basement"? Come on - spoil the movie right there - it was so slow I kept yelling at the screen - go on look in the basement already - make something happen. It wasted so much film watching Charolette fill up her coffee cup, watching the patients stare off into space, or just wander up and down the stairs, that this is one of the slowest gore/horror movies in existence. They bring in the one non-sanitarium related character in the entire movie and he is a babbling idiot i.e. "How come you people didn't call about your telephone - It can't be working". I was sick of the flute and organ music before the opening credits and it got worse from there. The patient/staff interactions were the best part of the movie too bad they couldn't relate them anyway to the plot. And every now and then the director remembered this is a horror movie so they cue Danny in to jump out and scream at random intervals. Never mind the fact that they over-steroetyped every mental illness to the point where I actually feel sorry for anybody with a psych problem watching this ridiculous farce. There was no human in any of these patients only the disease. Don't bother watching this more than once - unless you want to make 90 minutes last all day.
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